Source code for scarlet.interpolation

import numpy as np
from .cache import Cache
from .wavelet import apply_wavelet_denoising
from . import fft

[docs]def get_filter_coords(filter_values, center=None): """Create filter coordinate grid needed for the apply filter function Parameters ---------- filter_values: array The 2D array of the filter to apply. center: tuple The center (y,x) of the filter. If `center` is `None` then `filter_values` must have an odd number of rows and columns and the center will be set to the center of `filter_values`. Returns ------- coords: array The coordinates of the pixels in `filter_values`, where the coordinates of the `center` pixel are `(0,0)`. """ if len(filter_values.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("`filter_values` must be 2D") if center is None: if filter_values.shape[0] % 2 == 0 or filter_values.shape[1] % 2 == 0: msg = """Ambiguous center of the `filter_values` array, you must use a `filter_values` array with an odd number of rows and columns or calculate `coords` on your own.""" raise ValueError(msg) center = [filter_values.shape[0] // 2, filter_values.shape[1] // 2] x = np.arange(filter_values.shape[1]) y = np.arange(filter_values.shape[0]) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) x -= center[1] y -= center[0] coords = np.dstack([y, x]) return coords
[docs]def get_filter_bounds(coords): """Get the slices in x and y to apply a filter Parameters ---------- coords: array The coordinates of the filter, defined by `get_filter_coords`. Returns ------- y_start, y_end, x_start, x_end: int The start and end of each slice that is passed to `apply_filter`. """ z = np.zeros((len(coords),), dtype=int) # Set the y slices y_start = np.max([z, coords[:, 0]], axis=0) y_end = -np.min([z, coords[:, 0]], axis=0) # Set the x slices x_start = np.max([z, coords[:, 1]], axis=0) x_end = -np.min([z, coords[:, 1]], axis=0) return y_start, y_end, x_start, x_end
[docs]def get_projection_slices(image, shape, yx0=None): """Get slices needed to project an image This method returns the bounding boxes needed to project `image` into a larger image with `shape`. The results can be used with `projection[bb] = image[ibb]`. Parameters ---------- image: array 2D input image shape: tuple Shape of the new image. yx0: tuple Location of the lower left corner of the image in the projection. If `yx0` is `None` then the image is centered in the projection. Returns ------- bb: tuple `(yslice, xslice)` of the projected image to place `image`. ibb: tuple `(iyslice, ixslice)` of `image` to insert into the projection. bounds: tuple `(bottom, top, left, right)` locations of the corners of `image` in the projection. While this isn't needed for slicing it can be useful for calculating information about the image before projection. """ Ny, Nx = shape iNy, iNx = image.shape if yx0 is None: y0 = iNy // 2 x0 = iNx // 2 yx0 = (-y0, -x0) bottom, left = yx0 bottom += Ny >> 1 left += Nx >> 1 top = bottom + iNy yslice = slice(max(0, bottom), min(Ny, top)) iyslice = slice(max(0, -bottom), max(Ny - bottom, -top)) right = left + iNx xslice = slice(max(0, left), min(Nx, right)) ixslice = slice(max(0, -left), max(Nx - left, -right)) return (yslice, xslice), (iyslice, ixslice), (bottom, top, left, right)
[docs]def project_image(image, shape, yx0=None): """Project an image centered in a larger image The projection pads the image with zeros if necessary or trims the edges if img is larger than shape in a given dimension. Parameters ---------- image: array 2D input image shape: tuple Shape of the new image. yx0: tuple Location of the lower left corner of the image in the projection. If `yx0` is `None` then the image is centered in the projection. Returns ------- result: array The result of projecting `image`. """ result = np.zeros(shape) bb, ibb, _ = get_projection_slices(image, shape, yx0) result[bb] = image[ibb] return result
[docs]def common_projections(img1, img2): """Project two images to a common frame It is assumed that the two images have the same center. This is mainly used for FFT convolutions of source components, where the convolution kernel is a different size than the morphology. Parameters ---------- img1: array 1st 2D image to project img2: array 2nd 2D image to project Returns ------- img1: array Projection of 1st image img2: array Projection of 2nd image """ h1, w1 = img1.shape h2, w2 = img2.shape shape = (max(h1, h2), max(w1, w2)) return project_image(img1, shape), project_image(img2, shape)
[docs]def bilinear(dx): """Bilinear interpolation kernel Interpolate between neighboring pixels to shift by a fractional amount. Parameters ---------- dx: float Fractional amount that the kernel will be shifted Returns ------- result: array 2x2 linear kernel to use nearest neighbor interpolation window: array The pixel values for the window containing the kernel """ if np.abs(dx) > 1: raise ValueError("The fractional shift dx must be between -1 and 1") if dx >= 0: window = np.arange(2) y = np.array([1 - dx, dx]) else: window = np.array([-1, 0]) y = np.array([-dx, 1 + dx]) return y, window
[docs]def cubic_spline(dx, a=1, b=0): """Generate a cubix spline centered on `dx`. Parameters ---------- dx: float Fractional amount that the kernel will be shifted a: float Cubic spline sharpness paremeter b: float Cubic spline shape parameter Returns ------- result: array Cubic Spline kernel in a window from floor(dx)-1 to floor(dx) + 3 window: array The pixel values for the window containing the kernel """ if np.abs(dx) > 1: raise ValueError("The fractional shift dx must be between -1 and 1") def inner(x): """Cubic from 0<=abs(x)<=1 """ third = (-6 * a - 9 * b + 12) * x ** 3 second = (6 * a + 12 * b - 18) * x ** 2 zero = -2 * b + 6 return (zero + second + third) / 6 def outer(x): """Cubic from 1<=abs(x)<=2 """ third = (-6 * a - b) * x ** 3 second = (30 * a + 6 * b) * x ** 2 first = (-48 * a - 12 * b) * x zero = 24 * a + 8 * b return (zero + first + second + third) / 6 window = np.arange(-1, 3) + np.floor(dx) x = np.abs(dx - window) result = np.piecewise( x, [x <= 1, (x > 1) & (x < 2)], [lambda x: inner(x), lambda x: outer(x)] ) return result, np.array(window).astype(int)
[docs]def catmull_rom(dx): """Cubic spline with a=0.5, b=0 See `cubic_spline` for details. """ return cubic_spline(dx, a=0.5, b=0)
[docs]def mitchel_netravali(dx): """Cubic spline with a=1/3, b=1/3 See `cubic_spline` for details. """ ab = 1 / 3 return cubic_spline(dx, a=ab, b=ab)
[docs]def lanczos(dx, a=3): """Lanczos kernel Parameters ---------- dx: float amount to shift image a: int Lanczos window size parameter Returns ------- result: array-like 1D Lanczos kernel """ if np.abs(dx) > 1: raise ValueError("The fractional shift dx must be between -1 and 1") window = np.arange(-a + 1, a + 1) + np.floor(dx) y = np.sinc(dx - window) * np.sinc((dx - window) / a) return y, window.astype(int)
[docs]def quintic_spline(dx, dtype=np.float64): def inner(x): return 1 + x ** 3 / 12 * (-95 + 138 * x - 55 * x ** 2) def middle(x): return (x - 1) * (x - 2) / 24 * (-138 + 348 * x - 249 * x ** 2 + 55 * x ** 3) def outer(x): return (x - 2) * (x - 3) ** 2 / 24 * (-54 + 50 * x - 11 * x ** 2) window = np.arange(-3, 4) x = np.abs(dx - window) result = np.piecewise( x, [x <= 1, (x > 1) & (x <= 2), (x > 2) & (x <= 3)], [lambda x: inner(x), lambda x: middle(x), lambda x: outer(x)], ) return result, window
[docs]def get_separable_kernel(dy, dx, kernel=lanczos, **kwargs): """Create a 2D kernel from a 1D kernel separable in x and y Parameters ---------- dy: float amount to shift image in x dx: float amount to shift image in y kernel: function 1D kernel that is separable in x and y kwargs: dict Keyword arguments for the kernel Returns ------- kernel: Tensor 2D separable kernel x_window: Tensor The pixel values for the window containing the kernel in the x-direction y_window: Tensor The pixel values for the window containing the kernel in the y-direction """ kx, x_window = kernel(dx, **kwargs) ky, y_window = kernel(dy, **kwargs) kyx = np.outer(ky, kx) return kyx, y_window, x_window
[docs]def mk_shifter(shape, real=False): """ Performs shifts in the Fourier domain on Fourier objects Parameters: ----------- shape: array shape of the 2-D array to shift real: bool if true, the frequencies are all returned for real transforms (all dimension are half of the shape). if False, only the last dimension is considered a real transform. Returns: -------- result: Fourier A Fourier object with shifted arrays """ # Name of the chached shifts. name = "mk_shifter" key = shape[0], shape[1], real try: shifters = Cache.check(name, key) except KeyError: freq_x = np.fft.rfftfreq(shape[-1]) if real is True: freq_y = np.fft.rfftfreq(shape[-2]) else: freq_y = np.fft.fftfreq(shape[-2]) # Shift the signal to recenter it, negative because math is opposite from # pixel direction shift_y = -1j * 2 * np.pi * freq_y shift_x = -1j * 2 * np.pi * freq_x shifters = (shift_y, shift_x) Cache.set(name, key, shifters) return shifters
[docs]def get_affine(wcs): try: model_affine = wcs.wcs.pc except AttributeError: model_affine = return model_affine
[docs]def get_pixel_size(model_affine): """ Extracts the pixel size from a wcs """ pix = np.sqrt( np.abs(model_affine[0, 0]) * np.abs(model_affine[1, 1] - model_affine[0, 1] * model_affine[1, 0]) ) return pix
[docs]def get_angles(frame_wcs, model_wcs): """ Computes the angles between two WCS Parameters ---------- frame_wcs: WCS WCS of the observation's frame model_WCS: WCS of the model frame. """ model_affine = get_affine(model_wcs) frame_affine = get_affine(frame_wcs) model_pix = get_pixel_size(model_affine) frame_pix = get_pixel_size(frame_affine) # Pixel scale ratio h = frame_pix / model_pix # Vector giving the direction of the x-axis of each frame self_framevector = np.sum(frame_affine, axis=0)[:2] / frame_pix model_framevector = np.sum(model_affine, axis=0)[:2] / model_pix # normalisation self_framevector /= np.sum(self_framevector ** 2) ** 0.5 model_framevector /= np.sum(model_framevector ** 2) ** 0.5 # sin of the angle between datasets (normalised cross product) sin_rot = np.cross(self_framevector, model_framevector) # cos of the angle. (normalised scalar product) cos_rot =, model_framevector) return [cos_rot, sin_rot], h
[docs]def sinc_interp(images, coord_hr, coord_lr, angle=None, padding=3): """ Parameters ---------- image: array image whose pixels are at positions coord_lr coord_hr: array (2xN) Coordinates of the high resolution grid coord_lr: array (2xM) Coordinates of the low resolution grid angle: float rotation angle between coordinate sets coord_hr and coord_lr padding: int value of zero padding for fft Returns ------- result: interpolated samples at positions coord_hr """ y_hr, x_hr = coord_hr y_lr, x_lr = coord_lr hy = np.abs(y_lr[1] - y_lr[0]) hx = np.abs(x_lr[1] - x_lr[0]) assert hy != 0 assert hx != 0 if (angle is None) or (1 - angle[0] < np.finfo(float).eps): result = [ np.sinc((y_lr[np.newaxis, :] - y_hr[:, np.newaxis]) / hy), image.T ), np.sinc((x_lr[:, np.newaxis] - x_hr[np.newaxis, :]) / hx), ) for image in images ] return np.array(result) cos = angle[0] sin = angle[1] fft_shape = fft._get_fft_shape(images, images, padding=padding, axes=[1, 2]) X = fft.Fourier(images) # Fourier transform X_fft = X.fft(fft_shape, (-2, -1)) # Shift elementary kernel shifter_y, shifter_x = mk_shifter(fft_shape) # Shifts values shift_y = np.exp(shifter_y[np.newaxis, :] * (-(y_hr[:, np.newaxis]) * cos)) shift_x = np.exp(shifter_x[np.newaxis, :] * (-(y_hr[:, np.newaxis]) * sin)) # Apply shifts result_fft = X_fft[:, np.newaxis, :, :] * shift_y[np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis] result_fft = result_fft * shift_x[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, :] # Shape of the expected array result_shape = np.array( [result_fft.shape[0], result_fft.shape[1], X.image.shape[1], X.image.shape[2]] ) # Shifts applied in one direction result_shift = fft.Fourier.from_fft(result_fft, fft_shape, result_shape, [2, 3]) # sinc kernels shy = np.sinc((y_lr[np.newaxis, :] + x_hr[:, np.newaxis] * sin) / hy) shx = np.sinc((x_lr[np.newaxis, :] - x_hr[:, np.newaxis] * cos) / hx) # Sinc kernels in both direction result_y = ( result_shift.image[:, :, np.newaxis, :, :] * shy[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis] ).sum(axis=-2) result = (result_y * shx[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]).sum(axis=-1) return result
[docs]def sinc_interp_inplace(image, h_image, h_target, angle, pad_shape=None): """ In place interpolation of a cube of images Performs interpolation from a grid defined by the grid of `image` to a grid spanning the same physical area scaled by a factor `h` and rotated by `angle` radians. The center for the rotation is the central pixel of the image. This procedure is advised for odd-sized images only. Parameters ---------- image: `ndarray` Cube of images with shape BxNyxNx with B the number of bands and NyxNx, the number of pixels h_image: `float` Phisical scale of a pixel in image h_target: `float` Physical scale of the target pixel to which to interpolate angle: float angle between the grid of image and the target grid where to interpolate Returns ------- interp_image: `ndarray` padded interpolated image """ assert len(image.shape) == 3, ( "images should be provided as a cube. If only one image is provided, " "image should be a cube with image.shape[0] = 1" ) if pad_shape is not None: # Padding. This is never explicitelly undone in this function on purpose. Proceed with caution. image = fft._pad(image, pad_shape, axes=[-2, -1]) ny_lr, nx_lr = image.shape[-2:] coord_lr = np.array( [ np.array(range(ny_lr)) - (ny_lr - 1) / 2, np.array(range(nx_lr)) - (nx_lr - 1) / 2, ] ) ny_hr, nx_hr = ( np.round(image.shape[-2] * h_image / h_target).astype(int), np.round(image.shape[-1] * h_image / h_target).astype(int), ) if (ny_hr % 2) == 0: ny_hr += 1 if (nx_hr % 2) == 0: nx_hr += 1 coord_hr = ( np.array( [ np.array(range(ny_hr)) - (ny_hr - 1) / 2, np.array(range(nx_hr)) - (nx_hr - 1) / 2, ] ) / h_image * h_target ) return sinc_interp(image, coord_hr, coord_lr, angle=angle)
[docs]def interpolate_observation(observation, frame, wave_filter=False): """ Interpolates the images in an observation on the grid described by a frame and returns the interpolated images. Paramters --------- observation: `scarlet.Observation` object observation with images to interpolate frame: `scarlet.Frame` object frame to which to interpolate the observation wave_filter: `bool` set to True to wavelet-filter the images before interpolation (avoid correlated noise) Returns ------- interp: `numpy.ndarray` array containing the interpolated images from observation. """ # Interpolate low resolution data to high resolution coord_lr0 = np.array( (np.arange(observation.shape[1]), np.arange(observation.shape[2]),) ) coord_hr = (np.arange(frame.shape[1]), np.arange(frame.shape[2])) coord_lr = observation.convert_pixel_to(frame, pixel=coord_lr0.T).T interp = [] if wave_filter is True: images = np.array([apply_wavelet_denoising(image) for image in]) else: images = for image in images: interp.append( sinc_interp(image[None, :, :], coord_hr, coord_lr, angle=None)[0].T ) return np.array(interp)
[docs]def get_common_padding(img1, img2, padding=None): """Project two images to a common frame It is assumed that the two images have the same center. This is mainly used for FFT convolutions of source components, where the convolution kernel is a different size than the morphology. Parameters ---------- img1: array 1st 2D or 3D image to project img2: array 2nd 2D or 3D image to project Returns ------- img1: array Projection of 1st image img2: array Projection of 2nd image """ h1, w1 = img1.shape[-2:] h2, w2 = img2.shape[-2:] height = h1 + h2 width = w1 + w2 if padding is not None: height += padding width += padding def get_padding(h, w): bottom = (height - h) // 2 top = height - h - bottom left = (width - w) // 2 right = width - w - left return ((bottom, top), (left, right)) return get_padding(h1, w1), get_padding(h2, w2)
[docs]def sinc2D(y, x): """ 2-D sinc function based on the product of 2 1-D sincs Parameters ---------- x, y: arrays Coordinates where to evaluate the 2-D sinc Returns ------- result: array 2-D sinc evaluated in x and y """ return, np.sinc(x))
[docs]def subsample_function(y, x, f, dNy, dNx=None, dy=None, dx=None): """Subsample a function Given the expected pixel grid of a function, subsample that function at a grid subdivided in x by `dNx` and y by `dNy`. """ # Use the spacing between x values to define the subsampled regions if dx is None: dx = x[1] - x[0] if dy is None: dy = y[1] - y[0] if dNx is None: dNx = dNy assert dNy % 2 == 0, "dNy must be even, received {0}".format(dNy) assert dNx % 2 == 0, "dNx must be even, received {0}".format(dNx) assert np.all(np.isclose(x[1:] - x[:-1], x[1] - x[0])), "x must have equal spacing" assert np.all(np.isclose(y[1:] - y[:-1], y[1] - y[0])), "y must have equal spacing" # Create the subsampled interval and use it to sample `f` _x = np.linspace(x[0] - dx / 2, x[-1] + dx / 2, len(x) * dNx + 1) _y = np.linspace(y[0] - dy / 2, y[-1] + dy / 2, len(y) * dNy + 1) return f(_y, _x), _y, _x
[docs]def apply_2D_trapezoid_rule(y, x, f, dNy, dNx=None, dy=None, dx=None): """Use the trapezoid rule to integrate over a subsampled function 2D implementation of the trapezoid rule. See `apply_trapezoid_rule` for a description, with the difference that `f` is a function `f(y,x)`, where we note the c ++`(y,x)` ordering. """ if dy is None: dy = y[1] - y[0] if dx is None: dx = x[1] - x[0] if dNx is None: dNx = dNy z, _y, _x = subsample_function(y, x, f, dNy, dNx, dy, dx) # Calculate the volume of each sub region dz = 0.4 * (z[:-1, :-1] + z[1:, :-1] + z[:-1, 1:] + z[1:, 1:]) volumes = dy * dx * dz / dNy / dNx # Sum up the sub regions around each point to # give it the same shape as the original `(y,x)` _dNy = len(_y) // dNy _dNx = len(_x) // dNx volumes = np.array( np.split(np.array(np.split(volumes, _dNx, axis=1)), _dNy, axis=1) ).sum(axis=(2, 3)) return volumes
[docs]def get_psf_size(psf): """ Measures the size of a psf by computing the size of the area in 3 sigma around the center. This is an approximate method to estimate the size of the psf for setting the size of the frame, which does not require a precise measurement. Parameters ---------- PSF: `scarlet.PSF` object PSF for whic to compute the size Returns ------- sigma3: `float` radius of the area inside 3 sigma around the center in pixels """ # Normalisation by maximum psf_frame = psf / np.max(psf) # Pixels in the FWHM set to one, others to 0: psf_frame[psf_frame > 0.5] = 1 psf_frame[psf_frame <= 0.5] = 0 # Area in the FWHM: area = np.sum(psf_frame) # Diameter of this area d = 2 * (area / np.pi) ** 0.5 # 3-sigma: sigma3 = 3 * d / (2 * (2 * np.log(2)) ** 0.5) return sigma3