Source code for scarlet.psf

import autograd.numpy as np
import autograd.scipy as scipy
from .bbox import Box
from .model import Model, abstractmethod
from .parameter import Parameter
from .fft import Fourier, shift

[docs]def normalize(image): """Normalize to PSF image in every band to unity """ sums = image.sum(axis=(1, 2)) if isinstance(image, Parameter): image._data /= sums[:, None, None] else: image /= sums[:, None, None] return image
[docs]class PSF(Model):
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_model(self, *parameter, offset=None): """Get the PSF realization Parameters ---------- parameters: tuple of optimimzation parameters offset: 2D tuple or ``~scarlet.Parameter` Optional subpixel offset of the model, in units of frame pixels Returns ------- result: array A centered PSF model defined by its parameters, shifted by `offset` """ pass
[docs] def prepare_param(self, X, name): if isinstance(X, Parameter): assert == name else: if np.isscalar(X): X = (X,) X = Parameter(np.array(X, dtype="float"), name=name, fixed=True) return X
[docs]class FunctionPSF(PSF): """Base class for PSFs with functional forms. Parameters ---------- parameters: `~scarlet.Parameter` or list thereof Optimization parameters. Can be fixed. integrate: bool Whether pixel integration is performed boxsize: Box Size of bounding box over which to evaluate the function, in frame pixels """ def __init__(self, *parameters, integrate=True, boxsize=None): super().__init__(*parameters) self.integrate = integrate if boxsize is None: boxsize = 15 if boxsize % 2 == 0: boxsize += 1 # length of 0 parameter gives number of channels p0 = self.get_parameter(0, *parameters) shape = (len(p0), boxsize, boxsize) origin = (0, -(boxsize // 2), -(boxsize // 2)) self.bbox = Box(shape, origin=origin) self._Y = np.arange(self.bbox.shape[-2]) + self.bbox.origin[-2] self._X = np.arange(self.bbox.shape[-1]) + self.bbox.origin[-1] # same across all bands self.is_same = np.all(p0 == p0[0]) self._d = self.bbox.D - 2
[docs] def expand_dims(self, model): return np.expand_dims(model, axis=tuple(range(self._d)))
[docs]class GaussianPSF(FunctionPSF): """Circular Gaussian Function Parameters ---------- sigma: float, array, or `~scarlet.Parameter` Standard deviation of the Gaussian in frame pixels If the width is to be optimized, provide a full defined `Parameter`. integrate: bool Whether pixel integration is performed boxsize: Box Size of bounding box over which to evaluate the function, in frame pixels """ def __init__(self, sigma, integrate=True, boxsize=None): sigma = self.prepare_param(sigma, "sigma") if boxsize is None: boxsize = int(np.ceil(10 * np.max(sigma))) super().__init__(sigma, integrate=integrate, boxsize=boxsize)
[docs] def get_model(self, *parameters, offset=None): sigma = self.get_parameter(0, *parameters) if offset is None: offset = (0, 0) if self.is_same: s = sigma[0] psfs = self.expand_dims( self._f(self._Y - offset[0], s)[:, None] * self._f(self._X - offset[1], s)[None, :] ) else: psfs = np.stack( ( self._f(self._Y - offset[0], s)[:, None] * self._f(self._X - offset[1], s)[None, :] for s in sigma ), axis=0, ) # use image integration instead of analytic for consistency with other PSFs return normalize(psfs)
def _f(self, X, sigma): if not self.integrate: return np.exp(-(X ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) else: sqrt2 = np.sqrt(2) return ( np.sqrt(np.pi / 2) * sigma * ( 1 - scipy.special.erfc((0.5 - X) / (sqrt2 * sigma)) + 1 - scipy.special.erfc((2 * X + 1) / (2 * sqrt2 * sigma)) ) )
[docs]class MoffatPSF(FunctionPSF): """Symmetric 2D Moffat function .. math:: (1+\frac{(x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2}{\alpha^2})^{-\beta} Parameters ---------- alpha: float Core width, in frame pixels beta: float Power-law index integrate: bool Whether pixel integration is performed. Not implemented! boxsize: Box Size of bounding box over which to evaluate the function, in frame pixels """ def __init__(self, alpha=4.7, beta=1.5, integrate=False, boxsize=None): alpha = self.prepare_param(alpha, "alpha") beta = self.prepare_param(beta, "beta") assert len(alpha) == len(beta) assert integrate is False, "In-pixel integration not implemented (yet)!" if boxsize is None: boxsize = int(np.ceil(5 * np.max(alpha))) super().__init__(alpha, beta, integrate=integrate, boxsize=boxsize)
[docs] def get_model(self, *parameters, offset=None): alpha = self.get_parameter(0, *parameters) beta = self.get_parameter(1, *parameters) if offset is None: offset = (0, 0) if self.is_same: a, b = alpha[0], beta[0] psfs = self.expand_dims( self._f(self._Y - offset[0], self._X - offset[1], a, b) ) else: psfs = np.stack( ( self._f(Y - offset[0], X - offset[1], a, b) for a, b in zip(alpha, beta) ), axis=0, ) # use image integration instead of analytic for consistency with other PSFs return normalize(psfs)
def _f(self, Y, X, a, b): # TODO: has no pixel-integration formula return (1 + (X[None, :] ** 2 + Y[:, None] ** 2) / a ** 2) ** -b
[docs]class ImagePSF(PSF): """Image PSF Creates a PSF model from a image of the centered PSF. Parameters ---------- image: 2D or 3D array """ def __init__(self, image): if len(image.shape) == 2: shape = image.shape image = image.reshape(1, *shape) image = normalize(image) image = self.prepare_param(image, "image") super().__init__(image) origin = (0, -(image.shape[1] // 2), -(image.shape[2] // 2)) self.bbox = Box(image.shape, origin=origin)
[docs] def get_model(self, *parameters, offset=None): image = self.get_parameter(0, *parameters).copy() if offset is not None: image = shift(image, offset, return_Fourier=False) return image