
class scarlet.detect.QuadTreeRegion(bbox, capacity=5, sub_regions=None, boxes=None, depth=0, detect=None)[source]

Bases: object

An implementation of a QuadTree that inserts boxes as opposed to points


Generate a list of peaks contained in the tree



Add a box to the region.


Add bounding boxes for a list of scarlet footprints.


Get an image array of all of the footprints in the tree


Return all of the boxes that overlap with a given box


Sub-divide this region into 4 sub-regions.


Add a box to the region.

other_box: `scarlet.bbox.Box`

The box to add to the region.


Add bounding boxes for a list of scarlet footprints.

footprints: `list` of `scarlet.detect_pybind11.Footprint`

A list of footprints detected by scarlet.


Get an image array of all of the footprints in the tree

property peaks

Generate a list of peaks contained in the tree


Return all of the boxes that overlap with a given box

other_box: `scarlet.bbox.Box`

The box to use for the search. All boxes in this region or one of its sub-regions that overlap with other_box will be returned.

result: set of scarlet.bbox.BoundingBox

The set of all boxes that overlap with other_box. We use a set instead of a list because some boxes may be in multiple sub-regions and we only want to have one copy of each.


Sub-divide this region into 4 sub-regions.

class scarlet.detect.SingleScaleStructure(scale, footprint)[source]

Bases: object

A structure at a single scale with quadtrees to lookup child boxes at different scales.

Using the terminology from Starck et al. 2011 we refere to a connected set of pixels with a common set of peaks at a single scale as a structure.

scale: `int`

The wavelet scale of this structure.

footprint: `scarlet.detect_pybind11.Footprint`

The footprint of this structure at its given scale.

bbox: `scarlet.bbox.Box`

The bounding box of this region.

peaks: `dict`: {`int`, `list` of `scarlet.detect_pybind11.Peak`}

The dictionary with each wavelet scale as a key with lists of `Peak`s as values.


add_footprint(scale, footprint)

Add a footprint to the strcuture

add_scale_tree(scale, tree)

Add all of the footprints from a region at a different scale that overlap with this structure.

add_footprint(scale, footprint)[source]

Add a footprint to the strcuture

scale: `int`

The scale of the footprint that is added.

`footprint`: `scarlet.detect_pybind11.Footprint`

The footprint to be added to the structure.

add_scale_tree(scale, tree)[source]

Add all of the footprints from a region at a different scale that overlap with this structure.

scale: `int`

The scale of the tree that is added.

tree: `QuadTreeRegion`

The quad tree that is added at scale scale.

property all_peaks

All of the peaks contained in this Structure

all_peaks: set

The set of all peaks in the structure, including those at different scales.


Convert the bounds of a Footprint into a Box

bounds: `tuple` of `(bottom, top, left, right)`

The bounds of the Footprint

scarlet.detect.box_intersect(box1, box2)[source]

Check if two boxes overlap

box1, box2: `scarlet.bbox.Box`

The boxes to check for overlap

overlap: bool

True when the two boxes overlap

scarlet.detect.draw_box(box, ax, color)[source]

Draw a box on an axis

box: `scarlet.bbox.Box`

The box to draw

ax: `matplotlib.Axis`

The axis on which to draw the box

color: `str`

The name of the color to use for the box

scarlet.detect.draw_footprint_box(footprint, ax)[source]

Draw a scarlet Footprint in a plot

footprint: `scarlet.detect_pybind11.Footprint`

The footprint to draw

ax: `matplotlib.Axis`

The axis on which to draw the box

scarlet.detect.draw_region(region, ax)[source]

Draw a QuadTreeRegion in a plot

region: `QuadTreeRegion`

The region to draw

ax: `matplotlib.Axis`

The axis on which to draw the box

scarlet.detect.footprint_intersect(footprint1, box1, footprint2, box2)[source]

Check if two footprints overlap

box1, box2: `scarlet.bbox.Box`

The boxes of the footprints to check for overlap.

footprint1, footprint2: `scarlet.detect_pybind11.Footprint`

The boolean mask for the two footprints.

overlap: bool

True when the two footprints overlap.


Generate a set of structures for the 3rd wavelet scale

This is a convenience function to generate a hierarchy connecting all of the footprints at lower scales to the higher scale structures that overlap with them.


Get the tree at each wavelet level, and all of the footprints at each level

detect: `numpy.ndarray`

A 2D image to use for detecting footprints and peaks

trees: list of QuadTreeRegion

A tree at each scale used to match peaks/footprints across scales

all_footprints: lsit of list of Footprint

A list of all of all of the footprints at each scale.

scarlet.detect.get_detect_wavelets(images, variance, scales=3)[source]

Get an array of wavelet coefficents to use for detection

Parameters images: array-like

The array of images with shape (bands, Ny, Nx) for which to calculate wavelet coefficients.

variance: array-like

An array of variances with the same shape as images.

scales: int

The maximum number of wavelet scales to use. Note that the result will have scales+1 total arrays, where the last set of coefficients is the image of all flux with frequency greater than the last wavelet scale.

scarlet.detect.get_peaks(detect=None, images=None, variance=None, bbox=None, scales=3)[source]

Detect all of the peaks in the 2nd wavelet scale

This is not meant to be a permanent solution, as there are some objects that don’t have a detection on the 2nd wavelet scale, however through testing it has been confirmed that this algorithm works better than the LSST science pipelines detection algorithm and is a good replacement until the hierarchical detection tree can be better understood and finalized.

detect: `numpy.ndarray`

A set of wavelet coefficents used to detect sources. If detect is None then images and `variance`must be specified.

images: `numpy.ndarray`

The set of 3D images (band, height, width) to use for creating the wavelet coefficients. This is ignored if detect is not None.

variance: `numpy.ndarray`

The variance of images. This is ignored if detect is not None.

bbox: `scarlet.bbox.Box`

The bounding box for the full image. If this is None, then a bounding box that is the shape of images with an origin at (0,0,0) is used.

scales: `int`

The number of wavelet scales to use for creating the detection wavelet coefficients. This is ignored if detect is not None.

peaks: list

A list of peaks that have been detected at the 2nd wavelet scale.

scarlet.detect.get_wavelets(images, variance, scales=3)[source]

Calculate wavelet coefficents given a set of images and their variances

images: array-like

The array of images with shape (bands, Ny, Nx) for which to calculate wavelet coefficients.

variance: array-like

An array of variances with the same shape as images.

scales: `int`

The maximum number of wavelet scales to use. Note that the result will have scales+1 total arrays, where the last set of coefficients is the image of all flux with frequency greater than the last wavelet scale.

coeffs: numpy.ndarray

The array of coefficents with shape (scales+1, bands, Ny, Nx).